Post Assessment Planning Meeting

We provide expert support to schools (including nursery, primary, secondary, mainstream, special schools, independent schools and academies) in meeting the needs of children and young people with specialist educational needs (SEND)

We arrange planning meetings with parents, school/college and the professional/s who completed the assessment and report which aims to share and discuss actions to meet the assessed profile of strengths and needs of the individual child/ young person.

The meeting last approximately 1 hour and may be face-to-face in school or by teleconference methods.

The young person’s views are gained throughout the assessment and they are involved in future meetings with an identified key adult who takes the role of individual mentor to help develop self-awareness and supportive strategies as agreed in the planning meeting.

We provide speech and language therapy (SALT) and joint professional reports, for example SALT and Educational Psychology reports. 

One or both professionals may join the meeting.

The planning meeting can help schools meet SEND needs, progress an APDR (Assess Plan Do Review) or where appropriate gather evidence for an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan).

Children/ young people can mask their difficulties, presenting very differently at home and school.

The meeting is therefore open-ended, listening to the parent and school perspectives to reach a better understanding of the individual child /young person.

The meeting shares the strengths, interests and skills of the individual person so these can be harnessed to increase motivation and engagement.

The individual profile, impact of needs and agreed actions are discussed, shared and recorded under key educational themes depending on individual profiles:

  • Language and learning
  • Communication/ social
  • Self-care
  • Adaptive skills
  • Emotion/interaction
  • Sensory

Following the planning meeting...

A 6 month review period is recommended to monitor and assess outcomes and agree on the next steps.

This may involve continued SEND support, APDR or progress to an EHCP application.

Intervening liaison time between parents and school may continue where appropriate.

The Roundway Centre can support schools in gathering the appropriate evidence to progress the SEND process through APDR to an EHCP where appropriate, (please click here to see Special Education Services to Schools).

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