Information for your visit

Your visit may be face-to-face or online through a videoconference on a phone or PC.

What will happen on my first visit?

The therapist will talk to you to gain an initial history of development and ask about your concerns and wishes. The therapist will interact with your child or young person to make an initial assessment of their social-emotional interaction, understanding and expressive language skills and learning needs.

How does the videoconference consultation work?

You may select your preferred method for your visit: face-to-face or videoconference, using a secure link. A videoconference may be more comfortable for some young people, as there is no need for travel, and they can have the consultation in the comfort of their own homes.

What should I say to my child about the visit?

You could tell your child that he or she will play and chat with the therapist and have fun looking at various toys or books. For young adults, you may explain that the therapist would like to get to know them better and gain their views, priorities and opinions to identify strategies to make their experiences more comfortable.

What happens if my child doesn't talk?

Do not be too concerned if your child doesn't talk on their visit. The aim is for your child to interact naturally with the therapist in a relaxed setting. We use various alternative methods, including drawing and other art, observation and sensitive listening to the young person. When young people feel comfortable without the demand for talking, they typically gain trust and interact more freely with the therapist.

What advice will I receive?

At the end of the session, the therapist will discuss a summary of your child's or young adult’s profile and may recommend further in-depth assessments using standardised tools. The therapist will also advise you on the next steps.

What should I do if I can't attend?

Please telephone the centre as soon as possible, and we will then be able to offer you another day or time.

PACT Therapy

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Centre Opening Soon!

Many families have found the online video conference appointments more convenient as there is no need to travel and many …

Get the most out of your day at home and school

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