Dr Jude Joughin

Child and Educational Psychologist. BSc (Hons), PGCE, DEdCPSych

Jude is an experienced and highly regarded psychologist. She qualified as a Child and Educational Psychologist in 2009 and has supported children of all ages.

She worked in both local authorities and directly for schools to promote children’s and young people’s welfare and drive change. She is experienced in providing specialist psychological assessments for pupils of all ages and strategic advice and support at a whole school level. Current whole school projects include responding to challenging behaviour, systemically supporting behaviour, transition and speech and language in the classroom.

Jude speaks at national conferences on challenging behaviour, provided expert opinion for a national paper on school transition, and has spoken on BBC national radio on mental health in young people. She also undertakes work for SEND tribunals and is an honorary lecturer at Manchester University.

Jude has presented at national conferences, provided expert opinion for a national paper on school transition, and has spoken on BBC national radio on mental health in young people.

Before working independently, Jude worked as the lead psychologist in a Multi Academy Trust. She established and led a specialist team that provided excellent service to schools.

Jude has developed specialist knowledge in social, emotional, and behavioural needs, autism, delayed development in children, and speech, language, and communication needs within the school. Jude has extensive casework experience in these areas for pupils of all ages and has advised schools at a strategic level.

Local authorities, families and solicitors often call upon Jude to provide the expert option of the type and scope of provision required to support a child or young person within an educational setting.

Jude has many years of experience providing comprehensive assessments and reports for children with complex communication needs in all educational settings.

Professional Skills

  • Provide bespoke assessment, intervention and advice to schools and colleagues on the educational, psychological, social, emotional and mental health needs of children and young people, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
  • Understanding and commitment to protecting/safeguarding children and young people.
  • Delivering training to a range of audiences.
  • Strategic planning and development across different schools
  • Leadership and staff development
  • Focus on early intervention and preventative work
  • In addition to Educational Psychological skills – Jude also trained and experienced in the:
    • Thrive programme: a behaviour and emotional development assessment and intervention (https://www.thriveapproach.com)
    • Mindfulness in school’s programme. Trained to deliver .b and paws B.
    • Trained to teach mindfulness to adults (Trained to level 1)
    • Trained and regularly used CBT and person-centred counselling.
    • Trained in The Diagnostic Instrument for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO), a diagnostic tool for assessing Autism in children and adults
    • Am I a fully qualified higher-level coach and systems leader coach?
    • Trained assessor in the ADOS assessment.
    • She was trained in trauma-informed practices for families and schools.
    • She was trained in assessments of attachment and relational needs in children and adolescents.
    • She was trained to deliver Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) assessments.
    • Expert Witness: Essential knowledge of being an Expert Witness (level 1) – BPS Learning Centre
    • Expert Witness: Report Writing (level 2) – BPS Learning Centre